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Image by Lenstravelier

About Us

We are a non-profit group of spiritual creatives who love to see lives transformed for the better. Led by Master J, we aim to contribute our talents, knowledge and time to sharing and helping others in the areas of dreams, future and supernatural.

Our Team

Master J

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"The supernatural has always been very fascinating for me and I have always wanted to attain this power. So, I went around in search of it. In my teenage years, I got it. It is as if my five senses were magnified and I became extremely sensitive to the earth realm and beyond.


I would know things about people before they even talk to me. Hearing minute sound like a pin drop in a noisy environment, seeing spirits and angels and picking up aromatic scent that is trying to musk itself in the disguise of good.


With this power from the Creator, I have enlightened many people out of their troubled situations, cleansed houses/buildings and showed them what's in their future."

Sage T

"I’ve always thought that having the ability to see in the spirit realm is a bad thing because we did not choose to see them, but they chose to reveal themselves to us.


Little did I realise, it is actually a gift, just that you can’t really choose what to see. Ever since I had this understanding, I started to use this ability to navigate life situations. This ability has preempted, helped to pull hand brakes and even expedited important things for the people around me and myself!"

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Maven A

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"From as far back as I could remember, I've always had dreams in the night. Dreams where I flew, ran for my life and often, nightmares too. For the most part of my life, I didn't think much about them.


And then one day when I was feeling down and doubtful about my talents, something showed me that there's something special about my affinity with dreams. That curiosity sparked my journey to discover the truth about dreams, mentor under the best and unlock hidden wisdom and guidance for my life."

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