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Where are my dreams from?

In the still of the night, a new adventure awaits. You may be soaring in the skies, running away from monsters or just having an ice cream. How do you know if there's any insignificance to your dream? Well, you first need to understand where your dreams come from.

1. Your dreams can be from the Creator

According to ancient Hebraic texts, Creator God often speak through dreams and night visions. There are many accounts in history where divine messages are given through dreams and those dreams have helped save lives, give direction and enlightenment.

Wise Jewish man Job (אִיּוֹב) said that "For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognise it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds."

2. Your dreams can be from yourself

If you dream a lot, chances are that some of the dreams can be a reflection of your physical body condition, results of medications or expression of your own needs and desires.

An example is if you have spent the entire day worrying about failing your exams and then dreaming about it in the night.

Pregnant women can have confusing dreams because both the mummy and baby are dreaming.

3. Your dreams can be from the realm of evil

Evil's primary goal is to steal our purpose and inheritance, kill our hope and faith and destroy our destiny and lives and one way to do that is to inject fear, anxiety, panic, depression, death, etc into our dreams.

Many people experience nightmares and that causes them to be afraid of dreaming. When this happens, it causes the dream life to be shut down and divine messages can't be communicated through it.

So the next time you have a nightmare, tell evil to leave you alone. If you need help with battling evil, just shout for Creator God and He will come to your rescue.

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