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What is going to happen in 2022?

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

It is human nature to want to know what the future has installed for us. Everyone’s approach in knowing the future differs. We at The Goh Buster, get our inspiration and direction from The Spirit Guide.

The Spirit Guide is The Creator's continued presence on Earth and is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. He leads us into all truth, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, etc. But He is gentle and doesn’t barged into our lives. So for those who wants to know his or her future, one just has to lean in and hear the voice of the Guide.

One can hear and know by meditating on the truth, talking to the Guide and spending time in His presence. Once you are filled with the Spirit Guide, you will receive what the Creator has crafted out for your future. Eventually, the experience of healing, deliverance, empowerment to prosper, direction, and having His wisdom will be yours.

Master J has taken the time to hear what the Spirit has to say for 2022 and he is sharing it here for the first time.

2022 Prediction

1. Economy will suffer starting from February and March onwards. Stock markets will crash but Cryptocurrency will bloom.

2. Leader of a communist country will fall and reconstruction of the land will follow.

3. Cyber attacks and internet shutdown, spirit of fear governing banks and extreme of tightening controls of bank systems which they will switch to a new monetary systems.

4. Shortage of food, problems on supply chain and lack of food options, inflation will not be stopping this year.

5. Covid will respite from June to September but will strike again, like birth pangs, comes and go. A new variant will be dominant strain globally instead of Omicron, this new mutant variant will be “hairy” instead of spikes, spread faster and also deadly.

6. World leaders will call for a single world government to address all the woes. They will appoint a man to lead this single world government.

7. Deception will take off from the media with the excuse of propaganda; voices will be purged but they will allow you to hear what they want you to hear.

Despite all the chaos, good things await to those who are willing to seek the truth.

If you want to know about your own personal future, arrange an appointment with Master J.

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