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Was that the spirit of my late relative?

“I dreamt of my late grandma last night”

“I think dad came home, saw him in the bathroom last night.”

“Aunty went to ask the guru what does mother wants in the spirit world.“

Very often we hear how our friends, relatives or someone who passed on “coming back” to the earth realm to visit us, talk to us or even instruct us. Everybody wants to have a prelude or continuation of conversations with the ones we love when they pass on. We go through rituals, ceremonies, and connections with different realms to get a glimpse of them. But are they really someone we know?

In our belief, when someone passes on, they are sent to a different dimension, and they do not come back. These spirits that we see or dream of are what we called familiar spirits.

Familiar spirits are supernatural entities that take on the form of someone we know, and they can monitor our families and friends so that they can take on the mannerism of the ones we know to fool us into thinking that we are really talking to our beloved deceased. Therefore, they can be very accurate and enlightening. Sometimes, we might be happy to have them linger around for protection or good luck.

These spirits can help us to find solace or solutions temporary, however, sometimes, they might turn into some “unwelcome guests”, creating fear and unwanted attention in our house.

When that happens, how do we get back our inner peace and well-being? How do we break free from our contact with the familiar spirits?

Here at Goh Buster, we are happy to help! Reach out to us here.

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