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The Divine Force of Belief

You can attain anything you want by the power of the universe - it is called the divine force of belief. Many of you have a vision board that helps you to visualise your goals. You draw a few pictures of what you want, stick them up on the board, and make it a point to look at it everyday. But that’s not the end... you have got to put effort into it. Having a vision is not just about having a vision board, you need to imagine the things that you desire. How do you do that? It is dependent on the steps you execute everyday. You need to be persistent, consistent and you must believe..with the divine force of belief.

Dreams without goals is useless, they are merely dreams. Draw that job, draw that house, draw that spouse that you want on your vision board, live in your dream to obtain that, you must see it, believe it, obtain it. If you believe that the divine force of the universe can help you regardless of what others think then it will come to fruition. So, rise up and do it.

An example of a vision board:

You might have done up your vision board, added the pictures and done the visualisation but nothing happened. You see, the problem is that you came across a few bumps on the trail and you decided to quit. You came across a few people who told you you couldn’t do it and you decided to quit. What the vision board does not show you is the postures that you need to have in order to achieve the goals. It doesn’t show that you need to tap into the power of the divine force for perseverance. It doesn’t show the discipline that you need to have to get up every day to make your dream a reality. It does not show the commitment that you must have to make it happen.

Pictures and drawings are not enough. You need to be motivated enough to turn your nothing into something in your brain and you have to put your heart and spirit to it. What you decided to do every day is going to craft your future and what you achieved today is what you have decided in your past. So, what kind of future do you want? See it, believe it and obtain it with the power of the divine.

Knowledge is limited; imagination is creative and imagination will change the world. Knowledge will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere. Imagination is everything and endless. The universe force is the creator of your life and what you believe will determine the life that you have.

What does the divine force say about you? Write down the words of affirmations on your heart. “I can do it”, “I am capable”, “I am blessed”, “I am living in abundance”. Confess positive affirmations into yourself as much as you speak life into your goals and believe as if you already have it.

Believe, believe and believe. Do it today and it is time to get everything that you want. Post the goals and dreams on that vision board and speak life into them because your words will become your reality. Most importantly, give thanks to the divine force that helped you create that belief.

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