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I had a nightmare and couldn’t move. What’s happening?

Updated: Jan 15

I was sleeping and suddenly I felt suppressed by something. I tried to move but could not. I cried out for help. For someone to save me but no sound was coming out of my mouth. I felt extremely fearful and trapped and no matter how much I tried to struggle or shout; I couldn’t break free.

Sleep Paralysis

I’ve had this type of terrifying experience several times throughout my life. The storyline may change but one thing remains the same – an inability to move or break free from the fear and suppression.

If you had such experiences before, you would also be questioning what’s happening.

The scientific term for this is Sleep Paralysis and in the Asian culture, we call it 被鬼压 (suppressed by demon). It is a state after falling asleep or waking up, in which a person is aware but unable to move or speak.

According to scientists, our bodies cycle between REM and Non-REM stage when we sleep. It is during our REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep time that we have dreams and our muscles become temporary paralysed (atonia) to prevent us from acting out our dreams.

Sleep experts believe that sleep paralysis is purely a condition caused by poor sleeping habits, insomnia, stress, anxiety etc. but there’s one common issue in all sleep paralysis experiences and that is FEAR.

There is an evil spiritual force that’s out to scare and torment us. You could be experiencing sleep paralysis because you’re stressed and that is a perfect opportunity for the evil force to come in and cause fear and distress. Or your sleep paralysis incident could be a spiritual encounter caused by the evil force.

Regardless of the cause, sleep paralysis can be prevented and fought, and you don’t have to let fear torment you.

If you suffer from sleep paralysis nightmares, share your experience in the comments section below and reach out to us for the remedy.

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