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Image by Sage Friedman

Your thoughts are precious

"whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

- St. Paul

Our minds are constantly bombarded by all sorts of information and it is easy to feel overwhelmed if we do not take time off to be still and focus on what's truly important.

Come meditate with us

Experience the presence of the Divine and let the encounter penetrate your being, strip off stress and burden and help you detox from unwanted baggage. We host our meditation classes in both indoor and outdoor venues so you can practise being still in all sorts of environment.

Our Meditation Process

Renewing of Mind

Replace negative thoughts with thoughts that are pure, true and hopeful.

Illumination of Soul & Spirit

Allow the Spirit of Truth to shine His light into our soul and spirit and reveal areas in our life that need help.


Feel the transformative power of the Divine as you soak in His presence and peace.

Meditate with us
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